- Overview
- Benefits
- Why Phyto Biotech Cordyceps Sinensis
- Wild Cordyceps from Bhutan
Cordyceps Sinensis
The Cordyceps is in the family of ascomycetefungior sac fungi which encompasses approximately 400 known species of fungi. This number is, however, not exhaustive. The name 'Cordyceps' is Latin-the first part, Cord, means 'club' and the second part, ceps, means 'head'.
The Cordycep fungus derives its nutrients by attacking insects and arthropods; hence it is said to be entomopathogenic. For instance, it attacks a caterpillar and then stays put knowing quite well that the caterpillar will not survive the onslaught. When the caterpillar ultimately dies, another fungus begins to sprout on the caterpillar's body as the Cordycep mushroom. That awkward situation was however ignored by the Chinese, just as the rest of the world has, when they discovered the medicinal benefits that the Cordycep mushroom boasts.
After discovery by the Chinese, the Tibetans and the Nepalese quickly followed suit and began to use the Caterpillar mushroom for medication. These ones, though, went a step further and decided to eek a living out of the 'ruthless' mushroom. And today, the Cordycep mushroom is still a cash crop in Tibet. It is also reported that when the Nepalese Civil war broke out, different factions fought hard trying to dominate and control the Cordycep Mushroom trade. Since then other nations have gained interest in the mushroom too, and significantly the East Asian countries of Thailand, Vietnam, Japan and Korea. In these countries, the cordyceps grow prolifically in tropical forests and in areas of humid temperatures.
In 1993, the Cordycep mushroom caused a stir when Wang Junxia, QuYunxia, and Zhang Linli, three female athletes from China, won the 1,500, 3,000 and 10,000 meters, and set 5 new world records at the National Games held in Beijing, China. The ladies passed the doping test and disproved many people who had been so stunned that they believed the Chinese were on anabolic steroids. Thereafter their coach, Ma Junren, made it public that he had recommended Cordyceps to his athletes. Of course, the mushroom, being just a foodstuff, could not fall under the IAAF rules.

Medicinal Value of Cordyceps
The Cordyceps are said to control hypoglycaemic activity. They are able to control the blood sugar levels ensuring it does not fall below medically acceptable levels. They also catalyse the anti-depressant workings of the body.
As for particular diseases, Cordyceps is said to be able to heal Hepatitis B since they are strong antibacterial fungi. They are also credited with having antiviral powers, killing pneumococcal viruses in addition to the hepatitis B virus. They also attack the golden staph and herpes viruses. The medicinal power of Cordyceps also inhibits the vitality of leukocytes.

The Cordyceps are said to detoxify the body and a detoxified body is the last place disease causing organisms want to dwell. The mushroom consequently ensures proper circulation of blood within the body, where all tissues are properly fed.
A lot of research is being done on the Caterpillar mushroom and many people agree that the mushroom has great potential in providing new drugs to treat the tough diseases like cancer. As it were, oncologists all over the world continue to recommend the use of the Cordyceps as complementary treatment to conventional ones. In various instances, Cordyceps was able to inhibit the growth of an existing tumour or clear it completely.
For patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiation, they gave their bodies a fresh boost of energy when they consumed Cordyceps in the course of treatment.
Kidney disorders have also been rectified to a significant degree by the use of Cordyceps. Where abnormal blood pressure was the issue, research showed that the patient took Condyceps and the blood pressure fell by 15%. This consequently reduced the protein levels burdening the kidney. Further observation in the same research was that superoxide dismutase increased while lipoperoxyde serum reduced. This neutralised the free radicals and reduced the risk of damaging the kidney.
On one occasion, 57 renal patients were put on clinical observation. Their renal problem had been triggered by the use of gentamicin, an antibiotic. A section of the patients took 4 to 5 millilitres of Cordyceps each day. Another section of the patients was put on conventional medication. While the group on conventional treatment recovered 45% of their kidney working capacity, the group on Cordyceps had their kidney recovery go up to 89%. The recovery periods for the two groups were just as varied, the one on Cordyceps being comparatively shorter.
The Cordycep mushroom apparently has many medicinal benefits that some other mushrooms may not have. They are said to have 77 micro and macro substances, 80 varied enzymes, invaluable amino acids, vitamins, minerals and unsaturated fats, all of which give the mushroom the rich medicinal value that it has.
Together with the benefits already described, the mushroom helps patients who have insulin problems, helps reduce anxiety by soothing the nervous system and helps fight respiratory problems like bronchitis. Cordyceps boosts the overall wellbeing of the body.
Cordyceps Sinensis Benefits
Just how long has Cordyceps been accepted as an alternative medicine for an extensive list of human ailments?
Cordyceps is known to have been ranked as the number one medicine in Tibetan and Chinese medicine for more than 2,000 years. With polysaccharides, nucleosides and cyclosporine, Cordyceps is known to stimulate the immune system, decrease blood sugar levels, have radio-protective effects and contain anti-cancer properties.
Alternative Chinese Medicine (TCM) has long focused on allowing the human body to restore its own self-regulating and self-healing agents. Many research studies using Cordyceps have shown it to stimulate the immune system by increasing the number of white blood cells in an individuals' body. Because of these properties, Cordyceps is frequently suggested for patients who are recovering from surgery or a serious illness.
Cordyceps is also known to alleviate several of the symptoms usually accompanying respiratory illnesses, including chronic bronchitis and asthma. Other studies have shown Cordyceps is capable of increasing the oxygen level that people assimilate, offerings athletes improved sports performance, stamina and endurance.
Tests in China and Japan have proven Cordyceps is able to help regulate blood sugar levels and has anti-tumor and anti-metastatic effects on the human body.
“Bad” cholesterol levels are also positively affected by the use of Cordyceps and it is known to improve the level of "good" cholesterol.
Cordyceps has been shown to improve sexual energy and desire and is noted to have significant benefits when used in elderly patients suffering from fatigue. The supplement has also been used for elderly individuals to improve their memory and cognitive capacities. Significant improvements were seen in these areas after just 30 days of continued Cordyceps use.
In patients whose appetites were not up to normal standards, Cordyceps has been used with much success. While the cardiovascular system can benefit from the use of Cordyceps, the supplement has also been shown to increase vitality and longevity.
Cordyceps sinensis has been found to help control blood sugar levels, which leads to an obvious improvement for individuals suffering from diabetes or pre-diabetes. Generally speaking, Cordyceps sinensis improves blood sugar metabolism and increases an individual's insulin sensitivity. Cordyceps also has antioxidant properties which have a positive impact on fats within the bloodstream. Aside from lowering the blood sugar levels of diabetes patients, Cordyceps therefore provides additional health benefits.
Ancient folk medicine is known to have used Cordyceps to heal a myriad of health problems, including coughs, anemia, tuberculosis, senile weakness, infertility, back pain and impotence. In many area of the West, Cordyceps has a reputation as a powerful aphrodisiac.
Cordyceps has anti-inflammatory properties, regulates body temperature and reduces pain. Cordyceps also inhibits the growth of many viruses and bacteria, including herpes, adenoviruses and influenza
The lungs are an essential respiratory organ in humans. The anatomy of the lungs includes the method in which air passes through the mouth to the alveoli. As air progresses through the mouth or the nasal passages, it journeys through the oropharynx, nasopharynx, the larynx, the trachea and bronchi and bronchioles until it reaches the alveoli. In the alveoli, the gas exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen takes place.
Located near the backbone on either side of the heart, the main function of the lungs is to transport oxygen. These spongy organs have a huge reserve volume as compared to the oxygen exchange requirements the body. Smokers often find they can indulge in this habit for years without having a noticeable decrease in lung capacity while moving slowly or standing still. However, over time the alveoli become destroyed, leading to a condition called emphysema, whose main symptom is extreme shortness of breath.
The lungs are very moist in nature, making them a hospitable place for bacteria to grow. Several respiratory illnesses are caused by bacterial or viral infections of the lungs. Inflammation of the lungs themselves is called pneumonia while inflammation of the pleura surrounding the lungs is known as pleurisy.
Asthma is a condition that is caused by the bronchi becoming inflamed and causing spasms. Symptoms include shortness of breath and wheezing. Some triggers of asthma include air pollution, allergies and viral infections.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a phrase heard commonly today and refers to damage in the lungs resulting in difficulty blowing air out. This condition also causes shortness of breath and is predominantly caused by smoking.
When Cordyceps sinensis was used in field tests on mice in extremely high elevations, it was found the mice receiving Cordyceps lived up to three times longer than the mice who did not receive Cordycep treatments. The research showed the test mice were able to better tolerate lack of oxygen and acidosis. While Cordyceps has long been used to treat altitude sickness, this test was thought to prove the fungi's ability to sustain and renew respiratory function.
As a natural medicine used to treat respiratory illnesses, Cordyceps sinensis has been shown to make a radical difference in patients with such problems as excessive phlegm, asthma, pneumonia and chronic bronchitis. Cordyceps alleviates such conditions because of its anti-inflammatory properties, which tend to enhance the utilization of oxygen efficacy and relax the bronchial walls, allowing an individual to breathe with less stress and discomfort.
Cordyceps Sinensis is also known to inhibit contractions of the trachea, allowing the lungs to have increased airflow. One study of asthma patients showed Cordyceps had an efficacy rate of 81.3% in just five days of use while typical antihistamine usage had an efficacy rate of just 61% with symptoms subsiding in nine days.
Cordyceps sinensis has also proven highly effective for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, or COPD and asthma sufferers are subject to allergic reactions which cause swelling in the bronchial pathways. The anti-inflammatory agents in Cordyceps reduce the swelling and allow for increased airflow.
Cardiovascular Health and maintenance of your heart's long term health are goals everyone should have. Yet so few get the proper exercise and diet to suffice and hold together their cardiovascular health effectively. In this busy society, it's easy to put off proper exercise and diet in lieu of work and many forget it's a problem until it's too late. With so many expensive medications and surgeries with often very real and severe side effects it's no wonder why so many choose effective 100% natural medicine alternatives. One of the best natural products is a rare plant known as Cordyceps. Cordyceps have been one of the most productive natural cures for overall immune system and cardiovascular health on the market.
While Cordyceps is now very popular and sought after on the market, the majority of the plant's existence was in rare isolation. In fact, Cordyceps only grows in extreme conditions exclusively around the southern mountains in China. With elevations over 3000 meters and frigidly cold temperatures, Cordyceps were extremely difficult to harvest and took much labor. These extreme conditions made Cordyceps hard to come by for the average medicine man just 100 years ago. Prices peaked at an incredible $35,000 for a pound of Cordyceps when it was highly sought after for its health benefits. But in 1972, a world market becomes possible. This was when the first strain of Cordyceps was cultivated outside of nature by scientists. Since then, 40 years of research has led to a product that can be afforded by many throughout the world for incredible health benefits and especially cardiovascular benefits.
So how does Cordyceps as a fungus help directly with Cardiovascular health? Along with exercise, Cordyceps are one of the best additions to one's diet that a person can make for themselves. Clinical research has shown that Cordyceps can help keep heart rhythm consistent which wards off risks of cardiac arrhythmias and heart failure. Additionally, studies have shown that animals on cordyceps were able to sustain a survival rate of 80% rather than 20% in a 30 minute test for induced Pneumonia. Cordyceps also improve sex drive and libido leading to more blood flow and heart activity. With improved blood flow, lower cholesterol and more energy, these all add up to an improved Cardiovascular system.
Overall, Cordyceps has proved to be one of the best natural medicines to maintain excellent cardiovascular health. The combination of immune system improvements, energy improvements, lower blood pressure and cholesterol all lead to great cardiovascular health. Cordyceps really is a natural product with multiple benefits. This rare fungus is gaining popularity as a 'cure-all' natural remedy that really can improve almost every function in one's body. Cordyceps are even being used as a natural medicine in Cancer treatment! If you haven't tried out Cordyceps yet, now is the time to try it out and see for yourself if you too can achieve these health benefits. Many people have been enjoying the positive health benefits of Cordyceps already. They've gotten benefits from Kidney, Liver, and Cardiovascular functions and so much more. Are you next?
Energy and Vigor are sought after by many. Cordyceps can help those seeking a 100% natural energy product. Cordyceps have been used as an energy enhancement medicine for over 1000 years. Cordyceps has a long history in Chinese medicine as a cure-all product prescribed for all sorts of immune system and over-all health symptoms. This prescription was for good reason. Cordyceps have been shown to increase energy and vitality and promote a better overall immune system.
The fungus is unique in that it very often grows off of caterpillars backs and it is spread randomly through grasses. Originally many were against the thought of consuming Cordyceps because of the fact that it was a fungi that grew off of an insect. While there are a lot of known positive effects from Cordyceps, the research done for them is still fairly new. It wasn't until 1972 that the first strands were able to be cultivated.
The boost of energy when patients take Cordyceps is seen throughout history as well. Early yak herders from the Himalayas found their yaks gained new vigor when they grazed the fields with cordyceps in them. Later in history, Tibet natives in the 1400s found energy benefits from the Cordyceps fungi and reported significant health improvements after it was discovered. The rest of the world did not find out about Cordyceps and it's effects until the 1700s, when the Chinese emperor pointed out the fungi to a visiting Catholic priest. The incredible energy levels were not enough incentive for the Europeans to try out Cordyceps though. They thought of the concept of a fungi growing from an insect to be very gross and not worth consuming.
Today, Cordyceps as a fungi is widely accepted all over the world as a credible natural energy enhancement product and modern farmers are able to mass cultivate the fungi. In it's natural environment however, Cordyceps are near extinction because of their top price in the market and their gathering at every spot natives can find them.
As far as benefits for taking Cordyceps are concerned it really helps regulate cholesterol, it helps lower blood pressure, aid in liver function, and especially it helps increase energy levels. Cordyceps have been used as an energy supplement since ancient China, and has worked effectively ever since then. The reason Cordyceps work so well for energy is because at the cellular level they greatly improve the oxygen utilization of the cells. This flow increase turns into a real energy boosts that a client can feel and use.
Some more reasons there is such a significant energy boost from taking Cordyceps is because it contains amino and fatty acids, multiple vitamins that give energy like vitamin B and Minerals like potassium, Enzymes, and Polysaccharides that aid with health. All of these ingredients add up to the super food 'cure-all' status that Cordyceps is so famous for accomplishing and creating for it's consumers. Try out Cordyceps today and see if these incredible results work for you too from this 100% natural product.
Having a healthy immune system is essential for overall health and fighting off viral infections and colds. A great balanced diet and exercise are the best ways to keep a good immune system but natural remedies can also help boost one's immune system. Rather than opting for an artificial medication that could have side effects, there are a few great natural immune system boost supplements out there to try. One of the most popular and effective natural remedies is the fungi Cordyceps.
Cordyceps have been used as a natural raw supplement for over 1000 years but it wasn't until recently that Cordyceps were available to the general public. The health effects of Cordyceps are being studied thoroughly by scientists around the world. Many scientists have shown some very promising results with Cordyceps effects on warding off multiple diseases and promoting a better overall immune system. The effects of this natural fungus are truly astonishing.
One reason Cordyceps are thought to play such an important role in strengthening the immune system is because of how polysaccharide rich they are. Polysaccharides have been found to enhance the immune system to a high level. Along with these polysaccharides the Cordyceps have been reported by patients to be a real vitality booster. Along with all this vitality, Cordyceps will also help the immune system by improving oxygen absorption and the body's ability to deliver nutrients. Cordyceps have given some very promising results to fighting several diseases.
Research in Japan has shown that Cordyceps heighten the reactivity of the immune system in support against some forms of cancer and tumor cells. Mice had tumor cells injected into them in a clinical study and then they were given Cordyceps. Incredibly there was a reduction of tumor size in many of the mice and the survival time of the mice increased after being treated with Cordyceps! Cordyceps may very well be a real cancer breakthrough with more research and study.
New research has found that while taking Cordyceps patients' cellular activity increased by an incredible 74%! Additionally, increased blood flow and liver health benefits were reported. With this increased cellular activity and immune system benefits, Cordyceps has actually been shown to help destroy cancer cells in patients! That's right, some patients have actually had cancer cells destroyed from Cordyceps treatment, a totally natural product. Cordyceps can be considered one of the few 100% natural supplements to help ward off some forms of cancer that are legal!
With all of this great news we need to keep in mind that Cordyceps is still a fairly recent mainstream enhancement product. There is still a lot of testing that needs to be done on new benefits that Cordyceps can offer people. But with the fact that Cordyceps are a truly 100% natural enhancement product, and all of the positive benefits to the immune system reported through research, buying Cordyceps is a no-brainier. Cordyceps has been clinically proven to increase blood flow, increase cell strength and is known to be polysaccharide rich.
Serving several essential regulatory roles in the human body, the kidneys are a pair of organs found in the back of the abdomen. Each kidney is about the size of a fist and is approximately 4 or 5 inches long. Each kidney contains microscopic units called nephrons which are filters for blood.
With a bean-shaped structure, the kidneys each have a convex and concave surface. The kidnesy receives blood from the renal arteries, which branch directly from the abdominal aorta. Although the kidneys are relatively small organs, they receive nearly 20% of the cardiac output.
The study of kidney function is called renal physiology, while the study concerning kidney diseases is known as nephrology. There are many diverse diseases associated with the kidneys, and patients suffering from kidney disorders typically exhibit the same classic symptoms. These can include nephritic and nephritic syndromes, acute kidney injuries, urinary tract infections, urinary tract obstructions, renal cysts and chronic kidney disease.
Cancers can also exist in the kidneys, with the most common type being renal cell carcinoma. In extreme cases removal of the kidney can be required to rid the body of cancers and cysts.
While they are usually not extremely harmful, kidney stones can be painful and a nuisance until they are removed. A sharp pain in the medial/lateral segments of the lower back are a good indication of the presence of kidney stones.
Cordyceps sinensis can rejuvenate one's health and be used as a healing agent for many illnesses, including kidney failure and dysfunction.
Given its positive effect on virtually all of the body's organs, it is easy to see why Cordyceps has been used for centuries to treat kidney problems. While some of the symptoms of kidney failure are known to be fatigue, impotence, and various pains in the back and joints, the use of Cordyceps has been known to alleviate such symptoms.
In one study of 51 individuals stricken with chronic renal failure, patients who received 3-5 grams of Cordyceps sinensis per day were shown to have significant kidney function improvement, as well as overall health benefits in the form of increased immune functions. Urinary proteins can also be significantly reduced with the use of Cordyceps.
Another study of patients with chronic renal failure showed the hypertension and anemia typically exhibited by such individuals was significantly reduced by the use of Cordyceps. Not only have studies shown that Cordyceps can be a significant factor in successfully treating renal patients, the extract has also proven to show results at a much faster rate than other treatments.
High blood sugar levels damage the human body and can lead to several different health problems associated with diabetes mellitus.
The diagnosis of diabetes or the condition known as pre-diabetes is based on a “normal” blood sugar level. The current standard is a condition of less than 100 mg/dL when fasting and less than 140 mg/dL when the count is taken two hours after consumption of food. Most healthy individuals have blood sugar levels which are considerably lower than these numbers.
Blood glucose levels tend to be lowest just before meals. A typical blood sugar level for a healthy person who does not have diabetes (when taken before a meal) is 70-80 mg/dL. This number can range as low as 60 and be normal or go as high as 90.
When fasting or dieting, the liver maintains sugar levels at a normal standard by turning muscle and fat into sugar.
If blood sugar levels are allowed to drop to levels which are too low, hypoglycemia, a potentially fatal condition, may develop. Symptoms of this condition can include lethargy and impaired mental capacity, irritability, weakness in arm and leg muscles, twitching, shaking, a pale complexion, sweating, paranoia and ultimately loss of consciousness. At this point a possible side effect is brain damage.
When blood sugar levels remain too high, an individual's appetite is often suppressed for a short period of time. Long-term hyperglycemia and diabetes can result in heart disease or damage to the kidneys, nerves and eyes.
Cordyceps sinensis has been found to help control blood sugar levels, which leads to an obvious improvement for individuals suffering from diabetes or pre-diabetes. A series of clinical tests have been conducted to measure the potential for treating such patients with Cordyceps. One trial compared the use of 3g of Cordyceps sinensis in one group while another group of diabetes patients were treated with the use of more conventional medications. The group receiving Cordyceps sinensis showed a 95% improvement in their blood sugar levels while the group receiving traditional medical treatment saw only 54% improvement in their blood sugar levels.
Generally speaking, Cordyceps sinensis improves blood sugar metabolism and increases an individual's insulin sensitivity. Cordyceps also has antioxidant properties which have a positive impact on fats within the bloodstream, such as cholesterol. Aside from lowering the blood sugar levels of diabetes patients, Cordyceps therefore provides additional health benefits.
Because Cordyceps sinensis is a natural product, most patients exhibit absolutely no side effects from its use. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has long featured the use of Cordyceps as a natural cure and today's alternative health practitioners are finding the same holds true with the illnesses most common in our current world.
The lungs are an essential respiratory organ in humans. The anatomy of the lungs includes the method in which air passes through the mouth to the alveoli. As air progresses through the mouth or the nasal passages, it journeys through the oropharynx, nasopharynx, the larynx, the trachea and bronchi and bronchioles until it reaches the alveoli. In the alveoli, the gas exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen takes place.
Located near the backbone on either side of the heart, the main function of the lungs is to transport oxygen. These spongy organs have a huge reserve volume as compared to the oxygen exchange requirements the body. Smokers often find they can indulge in this habit for years without having a noticeable decrease in lung capacity while moving slowly or standing still. However, over time the alveoli become destroyed, leading to a condition called emphysema, whose main symptom is extreme shortness of breath.
The lungs are very moist in nature, making them a hospitable place for bacteria to grow. Several respiratory illnesses are caused by bacterial or viral infections of the lungs. Inflammation of the lungs themselves is called pneumonia while inflammation of the pleura surrounding the lungs is known as pleurisy.
Asthma is a condition that is caused by the bronchi becoming inflamed and causing spasms. Symptoms include shortness of breath and wheezing. Some triggers of asthma include air pollution, allergies and viral infections.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a phrase heard commonly today and refers to damage in the lungs resulting in difficulty blowing air out. This condition also causes shortness of breath and is predominantly caused by smoking.
When Cordyceps sinensis was used in field tests on mice in extremely high elevations, it was found the mice receiving Cordyceps lived up to three times longer than the mice who did not receive Cordycep treatments. The research showed the test mice were able to better tolerate lack of oxygen and acidosis. While Cordyceps has long been used to treat altitude sickness, this test was thought to prove the fungi's ability to sustain and renew respiratory function.
As a natural medicine used to treat respiratory illnesses, Cordyceps sinensis has been shown to make a radical difference in patients with such problems as excessive phlegm, asthma, pneumonia and chronic bronchitis. Cordyceps alleviates such conditions because of its anti-inflammatory properties, which tend to enhance the utilization of oxygen efficacy and relax the bronchial walls, allowing an individual to breathe with less stress and discomfort.
Cordyceps Sinensis is also known to inhibit contractions of the trachea, allowing the lungs to have increased airflow. One study of asthma patients showed Cordyceps had an efficacy rate of 81.3% in just five days of use while typical antihistamine usage had an efficacy rate of just 61% with symptoms subsiding in nine days.
Cordyceps sinensis has also proven highly effective for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, or COPD and asthma sufferers are subject to allergic reactions which cause swelling in the bronchial pathways. The anti-inflammatory agents in Cordyceps reduce the swelling and allow for increased airflow.
Healers using Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) have long known the benefits of utilizing the fungi Cordyceps for many ailments. Modern day tests of the fungi Cordyceps have proven its unique healing features when used alone or in conjunction with a traditional series of antibiotics. The Cordyceps extract, while being a powerful and effective medication, is completely organic and natural.
The liver, which is the larges organ in the human body, has also been shown to benefit by the use of Cordyceps extract, increasing the efficient functioning of this organ. Health practitioners in modern Asia use Cordyceps as a natural treatment in addition to more traditional prescription medications and find the fungi particularly useful in cases where chronic Hepatitis B and C are present.
In one research study of Cordyceps as a treatment for Hepatitis B, the fungi was used in conjunction with several other extracts from medicinal mushrooms as an adjunct to lamivudine. A common antiviral drug used for treating Hepatitis, lamivudine is typically the treatment of choice for most physicians. However, this study proved that the patients receiving Cordyceps and other mushroom extracts experienced a better liver benefit in a shorter period of time than the control group receiving only lamivudine.
In another study consisting of 22 patients stricken with post hepatic cirrhosis, after consuming 6-9 grams of Cordyceps per day for 3 months, all of the individuals in the study experienced dramatic liver function improvement.
A study conducted in China in 1994 with 70 patients diagnosed with chronic Hepatitis B and post hepatic cirrhosis were treated with either Cordyceps or another medicinal mushroom, Gandoerma applanatum. In this particular study, 57% of the Ganoderma patients showed significant health benefit, compared to 68% of the Cordyceps group. This study was thought to prove Cordyceps is a better treatment option for liver disorders than Ganoderma.
First recorded in the 15th Century in Tibet for its healing factors, the best known species today of this fungi is called Cordyceps sinensis. Most of the nearly 400 species are known to originate in Asia and are currently available from such places as Vietnam, Korea, Nepal, Japan, Thailand and China.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has long recommended the use of this product to strengthen immune systems and provide the body with resistance to infections, colds and flu. Extracts of this fungi are commonly used by athletes and are frequently recommended as a supplement for the elderly.
In 1993, Cordyceps was in all sports headlines when, at the Chinese National Games, nine world records – including the 10,000 metres, won by an astonishing 40 seconds – were broken by the Chinese team. It was claimed that Cordyceps improves stamina and athletic performance, reduces muscle soreness and promotes muscle building, even though it does not contain any steroids.
In 2004, the New Zealand Herald published an article about a clinical trial on the effect of Cordyceps (Connor, S. Chinese mushroom remedy found to boost fitness. New Zealand Herald, 2004). The experiment revealed that, for the 131 volunteers in the trial, there was a significant increase in aerobic fitness when participants took extracts of Cordyceps.
The study also showed that Cordyceps extract is effective in enhancing aerobic exercise capability, endurance exercise performance and exercise metabolism and alleviating fatigue in healthy humans.
The results were presented to the American Physiological Society in April, 2004. (Derivatives of a rare Chinese mushroom can improve capacity for aerobic exercise and endurance in the mid-age to elderly, sedentary humans., American Physiological Society, 2004)
Another study conducted on mice showed that taking Cordyceps for 6 weeks can improve swimming capabilities. (Mizuno, T. Medicinal effects and utilization of Cordyceps (Fr.) Link (Ascomycetes) and Isaria Fr. (Mitosporic Fungi) Chinese Caterpillar Fungi, “Tochukaso” (Review). International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, 1999, 1(3), 251–261.)
In addition, Cordyceps reduces lactic acid build-up in muscles, which makes muscles sore after a workout. (Mindell, E. Dr Earl Mindell's peak performance bible. USA: Simon & Schuster Incorporation, 2001)
The use of Cordyceps to slow down the processes associated with ageing and senescence is centuries old.
During the ageing process, considerable numbers of oxygen-free radicals occur, which cause oxidative damage to cells. Research has shown that Cordyceps can prevent the formation of peroxide and lipids and prevents or decreases the formation of oxidised enzymes in the brain. This ability to scavenge oxygen-free radicals makes Cordyceps a powerful anti-ageing herb.
Dr Andrew Weil, MD, in an interview to Time magazine, recommended Cordyceps as a remedy that promotes longevity by increasing levels of naturally produced antioxidants.
Why Take Cordyceps Sinensis?
Traditional Chinese medicine seeks to restore balance in the human body through properly channeling energy. It also seeks to restore the proper performance of human organ function and prevent the onset of disease. Such goals may be met taking this supplement since it is known for its ability to improve immune system function, deliver anti-tumor properties, and greatly improve the body's overall respiratory health.

Phyto Biotech Cordyceps Sinensis
Not all supplements featuring Cordyceps are of the same level of quality. Of the many available name brands on the market, Phyto Biotech Cordyceps Sinensis can be considered the absolute best of the Wild Cordyceps. Why is this so? The best quality of Wild Cordyceps have been collected and goes through the rigorous testing put forth by our robust & fully equipped R&D. We are hence very sure about the quality we supply. Phyto Biotech Cordyceps Sinensis employs a concentration of bioactive ingredients designed to properly and effectively impact the human body. Moreover, with every consignment, we provide data showing concentration of bioactive ingredients.
Additionally, every consignment of Phyto Biotech Cordyceps Sinensis must undergoes comparative analysis of the concentration of 4 main bioactive compounds. These compounds are:
- Cordycepin
- Adenosine
- Cordycepic acid (D-mannitol)
- Polysaccharides

Such an analysis is intended so that the end result is a reliable supplement that delivers on all expectations.
This is a completely natural Wild Cordyceps that does not include any artificial components. As such, you can feel confident in the reliability of the product and not worry about potential hazards associated with processed ingredients. Additionally, natural products are easier to absorb by the body, which means the body will get the complete and total positive impact from it.
Our strong R&D ensure that we deal in Cordyceps of the highest quality. Such rigorous quality control can be considered an added step but it is one that is well worth it. We wish to ensure that those purchasing it will be pleased with the results.
Phyto Biotech Cordyceps Sinensis : Preventive Medicine
In the western world & otherwise, medicine is often designed as a means of curing or treating the symptoms of a disease. That is fine but it can often come when things are too late. It also can come with all manner of side effects that would be best avoided. One way to avoid such problems would be to take regularly Phyto Biotech Wild Cordyceps Sinensis since it is known for its preventive benefits.

There are helpful active compounds of medicinal benefits present in Phyto Biotech Wild Cordyceps that are known for their anti-tumor and immunomodulation benefits. Even more beneficial would be the fact that no known side effects are present when taking it.
All in all, Phyto Biotech Cordyceps Sinensis is a tremendous Wild Cordyceps and it can yield great benefits to the human body.
Wild Cordyceps from Bhutan
In Bhutan, Cordyceps sinensis thrives at altitudes between 4000 to 5000 meters above sea level, in the cold, grassy, alpine pastures of Bumthang Paro, Thimphu, Wangduephodrang, Gasa, Lhuntse, Trashigang, Trashiyangtse and Haa. Every year collectors spend four weeks in May/June collecting Cordyceps under the harsh conditions of the high altitudes.
Only experienced collectors manage to find 10 to 50 pieces of grade 'A' quality a day. For its high value, Cordyceps is considered the Gold of the Himalayas.
Today, apart from few live caterpillars collected from Lingzhi taken to UK and at the research center in Yusipang, there is no adulteration and artificial cordyceps business in Bhutan.
Moreover, the Royal Government of Bhutan with its development philosophy of Gross National Happiness has always been cautious in terms of forest based natural product extraction. Cordyceps sinensis being one of the valuable natural products, the Royal Government through the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests protects its habitat, regulates collection and coordinates the auction of cordyceps.
Further, in order to promote sustainable management, check illegal trade and duplication, only the villagers from cordyceps growing areas are allowed to collect at a particular time in season monitored by the local leaders and forestry officials.
The transaction process also ensure check and balance where buyers will have to fill up how many kilogram's of cordyceps they buy from the farmers and for how much. The transaction between the buyers and the sellers should take place in presence of the sales committee comprising the local leader and a forestry official who will be the witness.
Buyers can go to any cordyceps growing places and buy the plant and after having bought the plant from the farmers, they will have to get a clearance from the Bhutan Agriculture Food Regulatory Authority which will issue a certificate to the buyers wanting to export it to other countries. The certificate will maintain that the package contains cordyceps to avoid buyers getting into problems with the forestry and customs personnel when they export it to other countries.